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Getting started


This is taken from an article by Cindy Short and Sue Welch, The Teaching Home

1.  Pray 

2.  Communicate with a spouse

3. Set goals for academic and character.

4. Inventory your child's knowledge, skills, and character.

5. Set concrete objectives for each child.

6. Be aware of the different methods of teaching.

7. Set a budget.

8. Know what is in your reference library.

9. Know how to use the public library.

10. Make a list of materials you will need.

11. Make sure you comply with Florida legal requirements.  This may be a good time to join HSLDA.

12. Organize your household.

13. Organize your family schedule and assign chores.

14. Discipline consistently.

15. Commit to homeschooling for this year.

16. Plan your calendar marking celebrations, holidays, etc.

17. Plan your school schedule.

18. Keep accurate records neatly.

19. Explain your expectations to your child.

20.  Get started schooling!!

21.  Readjust when needed.